Details of the loop with your submission script

#SBATCH -p express
#SBATCH -t 1:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --mail-user=<>
#SBATCH --mail-type=end
module load trimmomatic
module load jre/1.8.0_221
for infile in *_1.fastq.gz; do base=$(basename ${infile} _1.fastq.gz); java -jar /opt/trimmomatic/0.38/prebuilt/trimmomatic-0.38.jar PE -threads 2 ${infile} ${base}_2.fastq.gz ${base}_1.trim.fastq.gz ${base}_1un.trim.fastq.gz ${base}_2.trim.fastq.gz ${base}_2un.trim.fastq.gz SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20 MINLEN:25 ILLUMINACLIP:NexteraPE-PE.fa:2:40:15; done

The submission script part

By now we should know the following lines set up the submission as an express queue, on one node, with 1 processor, for one hour:

#SBATCH -p express
#SBATCH -t 1:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --mail-user=<>
#SBATCH --mail-type=end

The line module load trimmomatic sets up the default parameters for trimmomatic

Now the loop!

for infile in *_1.fastq.gz 
    do base=$(basename ${infile} _1.fastq.gz) 
    java -jar /opt/trimmomatic/0.38/prebuilt/trimmomatic-0.38.jar PE -threads 2 ${infile} ${base}_2.fastq.gz ${base}_1.trim.fastq.gz ${base}_1un.trim.fastq.gz ${base}_2.trim.fastq.gz ${base}_2un.trim.fastq.gz SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20 MINLEN:25 ILLUMINACLIP:NexteraPE-PE.fa:2:40:15 
  1. First we setup the variable ${infile} as we iterate through the folder looking for all files ending in _1.fastq.gz. So ${infile} represents all the COMPLETE filenames that have _1.fastq.gz in them (e.g. SRR2589044_1.fastq.gz). Remember that for every _1.fastq.gz file, there is a corresponding _2.fastq.gz file.

  2. The command do base=$(basename ${infile} _1.fastq.gz) does a couple things. We’ve seen the use of basename before, so we know that the basename of the variable ${infile} is removing the _1.fastq.gz from the variable value and as a result leaves only the names of the SAMPLES (e.g. SRR2589044, SRR2584863, SRR2584866, etc.) which are given the variable name ${base}.

  3. The trimmomatic command combines the ${infile} variable for the complete name of the _1.fastq.gz filenames with the ${base} variable to fill in the names for the other filenames for example; ${base}_2.fastq.gz, and ${base}_1.trim.fastq.gz, or ${base}_2.trim.fastq.gz. Below is a detailed description of the variable, values, and resulting filenames for our loop.

Broken down:

First time through loop:

${infile} SRR2589044_1.fastq.gz SRR2589044_1.fastq.gz
${base}_2.fastq.gz SRR2589044 SRR2589044_2.fastq.gz
${base}_1.trim.fastq.gz SRR2589044 SRR2589044_1.trim.fastq.gz
${base}_1un.trim.fastq.gz SRR2589044 SRR2589044_1.untrim.fastq.gz
${base}_2.trim.fastq.gz SRR2589044 SRR2589044_2.trim.fastq.gz
${base}_2un.trim.fastq.gz SRR2589044 SRR2589044_1.untrim.fastq.gz

Second time through loop:

${infile} SRR2584863_1.fastq.gz SRR2584863_1.fastq.gz
${base}_2.fastq.gz SRR2584863 SRR2584863_2.fastq.gz
${base}_1.trim.fastq.gz SRR2584863 SRR2584863_1.trim.fastq.gz
${base}_1un.trim.fastq.gz SRR2584863 SRR2584863_1.untrim.fastq.gz
${base}_2.trim.fastq.gz SRR2584863 SRR2584863_2.trim.fastq.gz
${base}_2un.trim.fastq.gz SRR2584863 SRR2584863_1.untrim.fastq.gz

etc. (This could go on for hundreds of files!)

Go Back to the Genomics Trimming and Filtering Lesson to look at your Trimmomatic outputs.