To Learn:

How can I get rid of sequence data that doesn’t meet my quality standards?


Cleaning Reads

In the previous episode, we took a high-level look at the quality of each of our samples using FastQC. We visualized per-base quality graphs showing the distribution of read quality at each base across all reads in a sample and extracted information about which samples fail which quality checks. Some of our samples failed quite a few quality metrics used by FastQC. This doesn’t mean, though, that our samples should be thrown out! It’s very common to have some quality metrics fail, and this may or may not be a problem for your downstream application. For our variant calling workflow, we will be removing some of the low quality sequences to reduce our false positive rate due to sequencing error.

We will use a program called Trimmomatic to filter poor quality reads and trim poor quality bases from our samples.

Trimmomatic Options

Trimmomatic has a variety of options to trim your reads. If we run the command without flags or arguments, we can see some of our options. But we have to load the java module first.

module load jre/1.8.0_221
$ java -jar /opt/trimmomatic/0.38/prebuilt/trimmomatic-0.38.jar

Which will give you the following output:

       PE [-version] [-threads <threads>] [-phred33|-phred64] [-trimlog <trimLogFile>] [-summary <statsSummaryFile>] [-quiet] [-validatePairs] [-basein <inputBase> | <inputFile1> <inputFile2>] [-baseout <outputBase> | <outputFile1P> <outputFile1U> <outputFile2P> <outputFile2U>] <trimmer1>...
       SE [-version] [-threads <threads>] [-phred33|-phred64] [-trimlog <trimLogFile>] [-summary <statsSummaryFile>] [-quiet] <inputFile> <outputFile> <trimmer1>...

What’s that java -jar about?

Software can be written so that it runs using Java. When it is written for Java, it has a .jar suffix. To run (or “call”) a software written for Java, you have to first type in java -jar. This is similar to running a Bash script by first typing in “bash” (e.g. $ bash The rest of the command is the exact path to the program trimmomatic, version 0.38. The actual program name is trimmomatic-0.38.jar. We aren’t going to cover Java programs but it’s not a bad idea to expose you to this command, because lots of software is written for Java. Also, if you don’t know already, programs for Java (“.jar” files) are not (usually) written in the programming language Javascript. If that seems confusing, you are not alone.

Interpreting Usage Instructions

Usage instructions are sometimes hard to read (the lines can wrap around), so careful inspection is needed to be sure your commands work. When first using software, you should take time to look at all the usage options. Sometimes it helps to break them down on separate lines where you can assign them the values you want, before combining them into a single line command. Here’s an example: For the command trimmomatic the next arguments are:

[-threads <threads>] 
[-trimlog <trimLogFile>] 
[-summary <statsSummaryFile>] 
[-basein <inputBase> | <inputFile1> <inputFile2>] 
[-baseout <outputBase> | <outputFile1P> <outputFile1U> <outputFile2P> <outputFile2U>] 

For single-end read files:

 [-threads <threads>] 
 [-trimlog <trimLogFile>] 
 [-summary <statsSummaryFile>] 

This output shows us that we must first specify whether we have paired end (PE) or single end (SE) reads. After this you can specify a specific version of the Trimmomatic software to use (e.g. -version 0.36). Next, we specify what flag(s) we would like to run. For example, you can specify threads to indicate the number processors on your computer that you want Trimmomatic to use. Flags like -version and -threads are not always necessary, but they can give you more control over the command. These flags are followed by positional arguments, meaning the order in which you specify them is important. In paired end mode, Trimmomatic expects the two input files, and then the names of the output files. These files are described below.

option meaning
<inputFile1> Input reads to be trimmed. Typically the file name will contain _1 or _R1 in the name.
<inputFile2> Input reads to be trimmed. Typically the file name will contain _2 or _R2 in the name.
<outputFile1P> Output file that contains surviving pairs from the _1 file.
<outputFile1U> Output file that contains orphaned reads from the _1 file.
<outputFile2P> Output file that contains surviving pairs from the _2 file.
<outputFile2U> Output file that contains orphaned reads from the _2 file.

The last things Trimmomatic expects are the steps of the trimming parameters:

step meaning
ILLUMINACLIP Perform adapter removal
SLIDINGWINDOW Perform sliding window trimming, cutting once the average quality within the window falls below a threshold.
LEADING Cut bases off the start of a read, if below a threshold quality.
TRAILING Cut bases off the end of a read, if below a threshold quality.
CROP Cut the read to a specified length from the end.
HEADCROP Cut the specified number of bases from the start of the read.
MINLEN Drop an entire read if it is below a specified length.
TOPHRED33 Convert quality scores to Phred-33.
TOPHRED64 Convert quality scores to Phred-64.

We will use only a few of these options and trimming steps in our analysis. It is important to understand the steps you are using to clean your data. For more information about the Trimmomatic arguments and options, see the Trimmomatic manual.

However, a complete command for Trimmomatic will look something like the command below. This command is an example and will not work because we do not have the files it refers to:

$ java -jar /opt/trimmomatic/0.38/prebuilt/trimmomatic-0.38.jar PE -threads 4 SRR_1056_1.fastq SRR_1056_2.fastq  \
              SRR_1056_1.trimmed.fastq SRR_1056_1un.trimmed.fastq \
              SRR_1056_2.trimmed.fastq SRR_1056_2un.trimmed.fastq \
              ILLUMINACLIP:NexteraPE-PE.fa SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20

In this example, we’ve told Trimmomatic:

code meaning
PE that it will be taking a paired end file as input
-threads 4 to use four computing threads to run (we can use 32 to speed up our run)
SRR_1056_1.fastq the first input file name
SRR_1056_2.fastq the second input file name
SRR_1056_1.trimmed.fastq the output file for surviving pairs from the _1 file
SRR_1056_1un.trimmed.fastq the output file for orphaned reads from the _1 file
SRR_1056_2.trimmed.fastq the output file for surviving pairs from the _2 file
SRR_1056_2un.trimmed.fastq the output file for orphaned reads from the _2 file
ILLUMINACLIP:NexteraPE-PE.fa to clip the Illumina adapters from the input file using the adapter sequences listed in NexteraPE-PE.fa
SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20 to use a sliding window of size 4bp that will remove bases if their average phred score is below 20

Orphaned vs. Survivor Reads

Remember that in paired-end sequencing, each read in the _R1 file, must have a corresponding read in the _R2 file. When Trimmomatic trims reads, it will remove (bad) reads as directed, which can leave a read in one file without a corresponding read in the other file. When this happens, the good read that lost it’s (bad) corresponding read, will be moved to the orphaned or “un-trimmed” fastq file, with the same name prefix. These orphaned reads can sometimes be used as “single-end” reads.

Running Trimmomatic

It is time to run Trimmomatic on some of our data! To begin, navigate to your untrimmed_fastq data directory:

$ cd ~/dc_workshop/data/untrimmed_fastq

We are going to run Trimmomatic on one of our paired-end samples. We saw using FastQC that Nextera adapters were present in our samples. These adapter sequences usually come with the installation of trimmomatic, in a file named NexteraPE-PE.fa. To be sure we have it we will first copy this file into our current directory. Try this download link first: wget

If that doesn’t work we can also pull the “trimming” file from The Data Carpentry site into the untrimmed_fastq folder:

curl -O

Take a quick look at the Nextera trimming file:

$ cat NexteraPE-PE.fa

This is a .fasta file that contains the known sequences of adapters used when creating Nextera™ libraries. They are usually trimmed off but in some cases, they might be accidently missed, or left for an external software like trimmomatic to remove as part of a pipeline.

We will also use a sliding window of size 4bp that will remove bases if their average phred score is below 20. We will also discard any reads that do not have at least 25 bases remaining after all our trimming steps. If using the Pete computer, use the submission script shown below, or make sure you are using a “captured” node to work interactively. This command will take a few minutes to run.

The PBS script looks like this. Open nano and copy-paste this into nano or type it in:

#SBATCH -p express
#SBATCH -t 1:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --mail-user=<>
#SBATCH --mail-type=end
module load trimmomatic
module load jre/1.8.0_221
java -jar /opt/trimmomatic/0.38/prebuilt/trimmomatic-0.38.jar PE -threads 2 SRR2589044_1.fastq.gz SRR2589044_2.fastq.gz \
            SRR2589044_1.trim.fastq.gz SRR2589044_1un.trim.fastq.gz \
            SRR2589044_2.trim.fastq.gz SRR2589044_2un.trim.fastq.gz \
            SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20 MINLEN:25 ILLUMINACLIP:NexteraPE-PE.fa:2:40:15 

Notice that the command for trimmomatic is one long line. Save this submission script as trim1.sbatch, and submit it to Pete using sbatch trim1.sbatch.

Checking your Trimmomatic outputs

You can see in the output above that Trimmomatic automatically detected the quality encoding of our sample is phred33. It is always a good idea to double-check this or to enter the quality encoding manually.

Also notice that trimmomatic is telling us that we input 1,107,090 paired-end reads! Of those reads, both paired end reads survived our trimming 79.96% of the time, leaving us with 885,220 cleaned paired-end reads! The output also tells us that 216,472 and 2,850 reads survived as “orphaned” reads. Finally, we see that 2,548 paired-end reads (0.23%) were completly dropped.

Why are the surviving reads labelled as “Forward Only” and “Reverse Only”?

If we have time we can discuss more about “Strand-specific” sequencing library preparations.

We can confirm that we have our output files:

$ ls SRR2589044*

SRR2589044_1.fastq.gz       SRR2589044_1un.trim.fastq.gz  
SRR2589044_2.trim.fastq.gz  SRR2589044_1.trim.fastq.gz  
SRR2589044_2.fastq.gz       SRR2589044_2un.trim.fastq.gz

Looks like we’ve just successfully run Trimmomatic on one sample of our FASTQ files! Let’s check some things to be sure everything worked!

Notice the trim1.sbatch.o<job_number> file. It should have the same or similar output as shown for the interactive output above. The output files are also fastq.gz (g-zipped) files. But SRR2589044_1.trim.fastq.gz should be smaller than SRR2589044_1.fastq.gz because we’ve removed reads. We can confirm this:

$ ls SRR2589044* -l -h

-rw-rw-r-- 1 dcuser dcuser 124M Jul  6 20:22 SRR2589044_1.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dcuser dcuser  94M Jul  6 22:33 SRR2589044_1.trim.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dcuser dcuser  18M Jul  6 22:33 SRR2589044_1un.trim.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dcuser dcuser 128M Jul  6 20:24 SRR2589044_2.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dcuser dcuser  91M Jul  6 22:33 SRR2589044_2.trim.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dcuser dcuser 271K Jul  6 22:33 SRR2589044_2un.trim.fastq.gz

The other thing to check (before you decide to trim hundreds of files) is that the output files of surviving paired-end reads, are exactly the same number of lines. Remember for each read in the Read_1 file, there should be a corresponding read in the Read_2 file. To check this we will unzip the SRR2589044 files, and use wc -l to count the number of lines.

$ gunzip SRR2589044_1.trim.fastq.gz
$ gunzip SRR2589044_2.trim.fastq.gz
$ wc -l SRR2589044_1.trim.fastq
3540880 SRR2589044_1.trim.fastq
$ wc -l SRR2589044_2.trim.fastq
3540880 SRR2589044_2.trim.fastq

That looks really good!

However, there is some bad news. Trimmomatic can only operate on one sample (one set of paired ends) at a time and we have more than one sample. The good news is that we can use a for loop to iterate through our sample files quickly!

We unzipped two of our files before to count lines so let’s compress them again before we run our for loop.

$ gzip SRR2589044_1.trim.fastq
$ gzip SRR2589044_2.trim.fastq

In this for loop we are going to use two variables which will make our loop flexible enough to use the same loop over again when we want to trim our next set of sequencing sample files.

Without a captured node, we should write a submission script named trim-loop.sbatch that looks like this:

#SBATCH -p express
#SBATCH -t 1:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --mail-user=<>
#SBATCH --mail-type=end
module load trimmomatic
module load jre/1.8.0_221
for infile in *_1.fastq.gz; do base=$(basename ${infile} _1.fastq.gz); java -jar /opt/trimmomatic/0.38/prebuilt/trimmomatic-0.38.jar PE -threads 2 ${infile} ${base}_2.fastq.gz ${base}_1.trim.fastq.gz ${base}_1un.trim.fastq.gz ${base}_2.trim.fastq.gz ${base}_2un.trim.fastq.gz SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20 MINLEN:25 ILLUMINACLIP:NexteraPE-PE.fa:2:40:15; done

By now, you should be able to understand the variables and commands in this for loop, but this isn’t easy and so there is a detailed description of the loop and how it works on this “Loop-extra” page. We can go through this if we have time.

submit trim-loop.sbatch and it should take a few minutes for Trimmomatic to run for each of our six input files. Once it’s done running, take a look at your directory contents. You’ll notice that even though we ran Trimmomatic on the paired end files named SRR2589044 before running the for loop, we matched the ending _1.fastq.gz, and we re-ran Trimmomatic on this file, overwriting our first results. That’s OK, but it’s good to be aware that it happened.

Now let’s look at our Trimmomatic outputs.

$ ls
NexteraPE-PE.fa               SRR2584866_1.fastq.gz         
SRR2589044_1.trim.fastq.gz    SRR2584863_1.fastq.gz         
SRR2584866_1.trim.fastq.gz    SRR2589044_1un.trim.fastq.gz
SRR2584863_1.trim.fastq.gz    SRR2584866_1un.trim.fastq.gz  
SRR2589044_2.fastq.gz         SRR2584863_1un.trim.fastq.gz  
SRR2584866_2.fastq.gz         SRR2589044_2.trim.fastq.gz
SRR2584863_2.fastq.gz         SRR2584866_2.trim.fastq.gz    
SRR2589044_2un.trim.fastq.gz  SRR2584863_2.trim.fastq.gz    
SRR2584866_2un.trim.fastq.gz  SRR2584863_2un.trim.fastq.gz  

We’ve now completed the trimming and filtering steps of our quality control process! Before we move on, let’s move our trimmed FASTQ files to a new subdirectory within our data/ directory.

$ cd ~/dc_workshop/data/untrimmed_fastq
$ mkdir ../trimmed_fastq
$ mv *.trim* ../trimmed_fastq
$ cd ../trimmed_fastq
$ ls
SRR2584863_1.trim.fastq.gz    SRR2584866_1.trim.fastq.gz    
SRR2589044_1.trim.fastq.gz    SRR2584863_1un.trim.fastq.gz  
SRR2584866_1un.trim.fastq.gz  SRR2589044_1un.trim.fastq.gz
SRR2584863_2.trim.fastq.gz    SRR2584866_2.trim.fastq.gz    
SRR2589044_2.trim.fastq.gz    SRR2584863_2un.trim.fastq.gz  
SRR2584866_2un.trim.fastq.gz  SRR2589044_2un.trim.fastq.gz
