Starting Genomics

In previous lessons, you learned how to use the bash shell to interact with your computer through a command line interface. In this lesson, you will be applying this new knowledge for genomics oriented examples and data. These data might be located on a remote supercomputer (or even a remote cloud service). We will spend most of our time learning about the basics of the shell by manipulating some experimental data. Some of the data we’re going to be working with is quite large, and we’re also going to be using several bioinformatics packages in later lessons to work with these data. NOTE, that if we are working with data on a remote server we may have the data preinstalled.

To avoid having to spend time downloading the data or downloading and installing all of the software, we’re going to begin with the data available locally by downloading it here. Also registered students can download it from Canvas. Put the file on your desktop and unzip it to create a new hierarchical filesystem called “shell_data” (our previous setup was “data-shell”)

Review sequencing:

There are many ways to sequence DNA and RNA. We will talk about only Illumina style sequencing for now, which comprises over 90% of all sequence data. The Illumina method uses “sequencing by synthesis” where a single strand of DNA is sequenced, inside a “flowcell” by synthesizing the opposite strand (base-by-base) using a polymerase. During the synthesis, the addition of a specific nucleotide base (A, G, C, or T) is verified by a fluorescent signal, and the light is photographed. Each strand of DNA being sequenced is “captured” or stuck in one place inside the flowcell. This makes it possible for a computer to keep track of each DNA strand which fluoresces as it is being sequenced. The instrument at Oklahoma State can track 400 million DNA sequencing reactions simultaneously! The sequence generated by each captured strand is called a “read”, and the “read length” can vary between instruments or experiments. Finally, it is very common for Illumina instruments to essentially “flip” the DNA strand around, and get sequence for the other end of the strand being sequenced. When this happens, you have two sequences (two “reads”) from each fragment, and this is called paired end sequencing. There are separate read output files for each end of the strand, so each DNA fragment has reads stored in a file indicated as “Read 1” and a file with “Read 2” (yes, that means 800 million reads!). The most common output format of the resulting sequence read files is the “fastq” format and that’s the sequence data format we will work with. Just be aware that not all sequence data are in fastq format, as the technology is constantly advancing.

What is a shell and why should I care?

As you progress through this lesson, keep in mind that, even if you aren’t going to be doing this exact same workflow in your research, you will be learning some very important lessons about using command-line bioinformatics tools. What you learn here will enable you to use a variety of bioinformatic tools with confidence and greatly enhance your research efficiency and productivity.

This lesson assumes no prior experience with the tools covered in the workshop. However, learners are expected to have some familiarity with biological concepts, including the concept of genomic variation within a population. This lesson is originally part of a workshop that uses data hosted on an Amazon Machine Instance (AMI). We will be working with the Pete supercomputer at Oklahoma State University. The access to the required data is provided on the Data Carpentry Genomics Workshop setup page.

Setup Prerequisites

Logging onto a Remote server

Connecting to Pete with a Mac

Open your terminal program and type in:


Then login with your username and password

Connecting using PC to Pete
  1. Open Putty
  2. Paste in the ‘Host Name (or IP address)’ section the IP address e.g.

Keep the default selection ‘SSH’ and Port (22)

Putty Configuration

Then click ‘Open’. If you get a warning message about permissions or certificates, please answer “yes”.

When the Cowboy window opens, you will be asked to provide a login and password

Note: When typing your password, it is common in Unix/Linux not see any asterisks (e.g. **) or moving cursors. Just continue typing.

Putty login

Let’s find out where we are by running the command pwd (remember this stands for “print working directory”). At any moment, our current working directory is the directory that where the computer assumes we want to run commands. Unless we explicitly specify something else. Here, the computer’s response is /home/<username>, which is our home directory within this system.

Alright, you are logged on to the system! IMPORTANT! If you are going directly to the NEXT LESSON, leave your Cowboy login window open! Don’t touch it. We want both windows to be open.