


Make sure you’ve downloaded and installed the files and directories for the setup for this lesson.


At a high level, computers do four things:

They can do the last of these in many different ways, including through a keyboard and mouse, touch screen interfaces, or using speech recognition systems. While touch and voice interfaces are becoming more commonplace, most interaction is still done using traditional screens, mice, touchpads and keyboards.

We are all familiar with graphical user interfaces (GUI): windows, icons and pointers. They are easy to learn and fantastic for simple tasks where a vocabulary consisting of “click” translates easily into “do the thing I want”. But this magic relies on wanting a simple set of things, and having programs that can do exactly those things.

If you wish to do complex, purpose-specific things it helps to have a richer means of expressing your instructions to the computer. It doesn’t need to be complicated or difficult, just a vocabulary of commands and a simple grammar for using them.

This is what the shell provides - a simple language and a command-line interface to use it through.

The heart of a command-line interface is a read-evaluate-print loop (REPL). It is called so because when you type a command and press Return (also known as Enter) the shell reads your command, evaluates (or “executes”) it, prints the output of your command, loops back and waits for you to enter another command.

The Shell

The Shell is a program which runs other programs rather than doing calculations itself. The most common Unix shell is Bash, (the Bourne Again SHell — so-called because it’s derived from a shell written by Stephen Bourne). Bash is the default shell on most modern implementations of Unix and in most packages that provide Unix-like tools for Windows.

What does it look like?

A typical shell window (sometimes called a “terminal” window) looks something like:

bash-3.2$ ls -F / 
Applications/         System/
Library/              Users/
Network/              Volumes/

This is an example of the comand line interface we mentioned. The first line shows only a prompt (“bash-3.2$”), indicating that the shell (in this case, a version “3.2”) is waiting for input. Technically, only the “$” is the “prompt”, but your shell (or other shell windows) may include additional informative text with the prompt.
Most importantly:
When typing commands, either from these lessons or from other sources, do not type the prompt, only the commands that follow it.

In the above example, the part that you type is the second line of the example:

ls -F /

This typically has the following structure: a command, followed by flags (also called options or switches), followed by an argument.

Commands are actually special programs that are built into the Shell, and are mostly the same for all types of “shells” available.

Flags start with a single dash (-) or two dashes (--), and change the behavior of a command.

Arguments tell the command what to operate on (e.g. files and directories).

Sometimes flags and arguments are referred to as parameters. A command can be called with more than one flag and more than one argument: or, a command may not require an argument or a flag.

In the second line of the example above, our command is ls, with a SPACE followed by the flag -F, another SPACE, and an argument /. Arguments are not always used. Importantly, each part is separated by spaces!

If you omit the space between ls and -F the shell will look for a command called ls-F, which doesn’t exist. Also, capitalization matters: ls -f is different from ls -F (EXCEPTION: Windows systems, and therefore GitBash, don’t always care about capitalization of the command but the flags must be capatalized correctly).

On the next line we see the output that our command produced. In this case it is a listing of files and folders in a location called / - we’ll cover what all these mean later today. Those using a macOS might recognize the output in this example.

The final part is when the shell again prints the prompt and waits for you to type the next command.

In the examples for this lesson, we’ll show the prompt as $ . Your prompt may look different, and if you want can make your prompt look the same by executing the command PS1='$ '. But you can also leave your prompt as it is - often the extra information in the prompt includes who and where you are.

Open a shell window (Windows users open the “GitBash” window) and try executing ls -F / for yourself (don’t forget that spaces and capitalization are important!). You can change the prompt too, if you like.

How does the shell know what ls and its flags mean?

Every command is a program stored somewhere on the computer, and the shell keeps a list of places to search for these commands (the list is in a variable called PATH, but those are concepts we’ll meet later and are not too important at the moment). Right now, the most important thing to remember is that commands, flags and arguments are separated by spaces.

So let’s look at the REPL (read-evaluate-print loop) in our example. Notice that the “evaluate” step is made of two parts:

  1. Read what was typed (ls -F / in our example)
    The shell uses the spaces to split the line into the command, flags, and arguments
  2. Evaluate:
    a. Find a program called ls
    b. Execute it, passing it the flags and arguments (-F and /) to interpret as the program sees fit
  3. Print the output produced by the program
  4. Then print the prompt again and wait for you to enter another command.

Command not found

If the shell can’t find a program whose name is the command you typed, it will print an error message like:

$ ls-F
-bash: ls-F: command not found

Usually this means that you have mis-typed the command. In this case we omitted the space between ls and -F.

Is the Shell difficult?

The Shell is more difficult than interacting with a GUI, and that will take some effort and time to learn. An important difference however is that a GUI presents you with pre-defined choices and you select one. With a command line interface (CLI) there are many more choices that are combinations of commands and parameters, more like words in a language than buttons on a screen. They are not presented to you so you must learn a few, like learning some vocabulary in a new language. But a small number of commands gets you a long way, and we’ll cover an essential few today.

The Shell provides flexibility and automation

Learning the grammar of a shell is important because it allows you to combine existing tools into powerful pipelines and handle large volumes of data automatically. Sequences of commands can be written into a script, improving the reproducibility of workflows and allowing you to repeat them easily.

In addition, the command line is often the easiest way to interact with remote machines and supercomputers. Familiarity with the shell is pretty much essential to run a variety of specialized tools and resources used on high-performance computing systems. As clusters and cloud computing systems become more essential for scientific data crunching, being able to interact with the shell is a necessary skill. We can build on the command-line skills covered here to tackle a wide range of scientific questions and computational challenges.

Download our lesson data

Make sure you’ve downloaded and installed the files and directories for the setup for this lesson. If not, download the 56Mb “” file from Canvas and place the file on your desktop using your GUI interface (if you are using one). If the link above doesn’t work, you will have to log into Canvas at the course site, and go to the “Files” to download. Then unzip the file using your computers’ GUI operating system and you should have a folder named “data-shell” on your Desktop. This is where we begin exploring the BASH shell. To make sure everything is set up properly, open your Shell Window and type:

$ cd

Hit the “return” key, then type:

$ ls Desktop/data-shell

creatures/          Jul26-2019-history.txt  pizza.cfg
data/               molecules/              sample_submission.txt
DataOrgSpreadTest/  north-pacific-gyre/     solar.pdf
IsolateData.csv     notes.txt               writing/

The output should be similar to the one above.

Nelle’s Pipeline: A Starting Point

Nelle Nemo, a marine biologist, has just returned from a six-month survey of the North Pacific Gyre, where she has been sampling gelatinous marine life in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. She has 1520 samples in all and now needs to:

  1. Run each sample through an assay machine that will measure the relative abundance of 300 different proteins. The machine’s output for each individual sample is a file with one line for each of the 300 proteins.
  2. Calculate statistics for each of the proteins separately using a program her supervisor wrote called goostats.
  3. Write up results. Her supervisor would really like her to do this by the end of the month so that her paper can appear in an upcoming special issue of Aquatic Goo Letters.

It takes about half an hour for the assay machine to process each sample. The good news is that it only takes two minutes to set each one up. Since her lab has eight assay machines that she can use simultaneously, this assay step will “only” take about two weeks.

The bad news is that if she has to run goostats by hand using a GUI, she’ll have to select a file using an “open file” dialog, 1520 times. At 30 seconds per sample, the whole process will take more than 12 hours (and that’s assuming the best-case scenario where she is ready to select the next file as soon as the previous sample analysis has finished). Only a machine could do this without taking breaks, so it’ll probably take much longer than 12 hours. Also the chances of her selecting all 1520 files correctly and keeeping the outputs perfectly organized are practically zero. But Nelle really doesn’t want to miss that paper deadline.

The next few lessons will explore what she can do instead. More specifically, they explain how she can use a command shell to run the goostats program, and use loops to automate the repetitive steps e.g. entering file names, so that her computer can work 24 hours a day while she writes her paper.

As a bonus, once she has put a processing pipeline together, she will be able to use it again whenever she collects more data.


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