Introduction to Shell Loops

Loops are key to productivity improvements!
They allow us to automate the execution of repetitive commands. Similar to wildcards and tab completion, using loops also reduces the amount of typing (and typing mistakes). In Genomics, loops are helpful when performing operations on groups of sequencing files, such as unzipping or trimming multiple files. We will use loops for these purposes in subsequent analyses, but will cover the basics of them for now.

Writing for loops

When the shell sees the keyword for, it knows to repeat a command (or group of commands) once for each item in a list.

Each time the loop runs (called an iteration), an item in the iterated list is assigned to the variable, and the commands inside the loop are executed, before moving on to the next item in the list.

Inside the loop, we call for the variable’s value by putting $ in front of the variable’s name (which we enclose in curly brackets). The $ tells the shell interpreter to substitute the variable’s value for the variable’s name, rather than treat it as text or a command.

Temporarily Changing the Prompt

Most of you probably have a “$” as your terminal prompt. Some of you may have the greater-than symbol “>”. In either case, this could cause confusion as we are just starting to use loops. So we are going to change our prompt to a question mark followed by a space ”? “. This is only temporary, and you don’t have to do this if you are pretty sure you won’t get confused when using the “$” for variables in loops.

To change your prompt from “$ “ to “? “ just type:

PS1="? "

If you want to change it back, just type:

PS1="$ "

If you want a prompt that shows your current working directory type:

PS1="[\\w] ? "

Now let’s write a for loop to show us the first five lines of Nelle’s data files. Starting from the data-shell directory, cd to the data/ directory

$ cd data/

Check what is in this directory:

? ls -F
amino-acids.txt  animals.txt  morse.txt  planets.txt  sunspot.txt
animal-counts/   elements/    pdb/       salmon.txt

change into the pdb directory and look around

? cd pdb
? ls -F
aldrin.pdb            glycol.pdb         pentane.pdb
ammonia.pdb           heme.pdb           piperine.pdb
ascorbic-acid.pdb     lactic-acid.pdb    propane.pdb
benzaldehyde.pdb      lactose.pdb        pyridoxal.pdb
camphene.pdb          lanoxin.pdb        quinine.pdb
cholesterol.pdb       lsd.pdb            strychnine.pdb
cinnamaldehyde.pdb    maltose.pdb        styrene.pdb
citronellal.pdb       menthol.pdb        sucrose.pdb
codeine.pdb           methane.pdb        testosterone.pdb
cubane.pdb            methanol.pdb       thiamine.pdb
cyclobutane.pdb       mint.pdb           tnt.pdb
cyclohexanol.pdb      morphine.pdb       tuberin.pdb
cyclopropane.pdb      mustard.pdb        tyrian-purple.pdb
ethane.pdb            nerol.pdb          vanillin.pdb
ethanol.pdb           norethindrone.pdb  vinyl-chloride.pdb
ethylcyclohexane.pdb  octane.pdb         vitamin-a.pdb

So we have found Nelle’s stash of metabolite data that was passed down to her from a previous graduate student. When we check to see if the 48 files are all similar we see they are not:

? wc -l *.pdb
   30 aldrin.pdb
    7 ammonia.pdb
   24 ascorbic-acid.pdb
   34 tyrian-purple.pdb
   23 vanillin.pdb
   10 vinyl-chloride.pdb
   55 vitamin-a.pdb
 1808 total

So what do the files look like? We can look at each one individually, but what if there are 6000 files? What if the files were much larger (e.g. 3Gb each)? We know we can look at the beginnings of any file using the head command so let’s try that first:

? head -n 5 aldrin.pdb
ATOM      1  C           1      -0.888   0.654  -1.753
ATOM      2  C           1       0.276   1.404  -1.135
ATOM      3  C           1       1.381   0.453  -0.730

These files look a little complex. To see if they are all generated by the same person and have the same date, or additional information, we will generate a short summary of each file using a for loop. We could do this a different way, but this prepares us for later lessons where we will use much bigger files.

The image below gives the basic anatomy of our “loop”


Now let’s type the loop. (remember don’t type in the “?” sign, that’s the prompt):

? for filename in *.pdb
> do
> head -n 5 ${filename}
> done

The for loop begins with the for command which includes: for <variable> in <file/group to iterate over>. This multi-part command is sometimes called a “formula”. Notice that the word filename is designated as the variable to be used with each iteration. In our case all files ending with .pdb in the current working directory (e.g. aldrin.pdb, ammonia.pdb, etc.) will be substituted for filename. When we hit the Enter key we notice the prompt has changed to a > symbol. This means the shell recognized the for command and is waiting for us to finish our loop.

The next line of the for loop is do (meaning “do” something). This is followed by a line describing what we want to execute (i.e. what to “do”). We are telling the loop to print the first five lines of each variable (head -n 5 ${filename}) as we iterate over all the files. To be clear, the value of the variable $[filename} is the actual name of each *.pdb file. The loop generates the commands:

head -n 5 aldrin.pdb
head -n 5 ammonia.pdb
head -n 5 ascorbic-acid.pdb

Finally, the word done tells the shell we have finished the loop.

After executing the loop, you should see the first five lines of all .pdb files printed to the terminal.

loop worked!

But again, what if there are 6000 files? Let’s create a loop that will save this information to a file we can look at later.

? for filename in *.pdb
> do
> head -n 5 ${filename} >> pdb_info.txt
> done

Note that we are using >> to append the text to our pdb_info.txt file. If we used >, the pdb_info.txt file would be rewritten every time the loop iterates, so it would only have text from the last variable used. Instead, >> continuously adds to the end of the file.

Use cat to verify the pdb_info.txt file looks like the screen output you observed when running the loop without any redirection.

This lesson is very similar to the one we will use for manipulating files in the genomics part of the course. For now, let’s see what Nelle is going to do with loops.