

Nelle’s Shell Works Well!

Nelle finished her analyses in plenty of time, and wrote her manuscript. She continues to use her scripting skills, even after she has graduated and moved on to a new position. Her new colleagues are a group of scientists in Antarctica, who perform similar studies with gelatinous marine life, and Nelle has improved her coding skills. Now she’s ready to use the shell as a powerful programming environment. We will follow along with Nelle as she takes commands we repeat frequently, and converts them into script files which can re-run all those analyses by typing a single command.

For historical reasons, a bunch of commands saved in a file is usually called a shell script, but make no mistake: these are actually small programs. They usually end in .sh

To catch up with Nelle, we will start by going back to Nelle’s molecules/ directory. From there we will open a new file using the command nano which will become our shell script:

$ cd molecules  (or: cd \Users\nelle\Desktop\data-shell\molecules)
$ nano

Let’s insert the following line:

head -n 15 octane.pdb | tail -n 5

This is a variation on the pipe we constructed earlier: it selects lines 11-15 of the file octane.pdb. Remember, we are not running it as a command just yet: we are putting the commands in a file.

Then we save the file (Ctrl-O in nano), and exit the text editor (Ctrl-X in nano). Check that the directory molecules now contains a file called

Once we have saved the script file, we can ask the shell to execute the commands it contains. Our shell is called bash, so we run the following command:

$ bash
ATOM      9  H           1      -4.502   0.681   0.785  1.00  0.00
ATOM     10  H           1      -5.254  -0.243  -0.537  1.00  0.00
ATOM     11  H           1      -4.357   1.252  -0.895  1.00  0.00
ATOM     12  H           1      -3.009  -0.741  -1.467  1.00  0.00
ATOM     13  H           1      -3.172  -1.337   0.206  1.00  0.00

Sure enough, our script’s output is exactly what we would get if we ran that pipeline directly.

But we want to select lines from any file in the directory, not just octane.pdb. We could edit each time to change the filename, but that would probably take longer than just retyping the command. Instead, let’s edit and make it more versatile:

$ nano

Now, within nano, replace the text octane.pdb with the special variable called $1:

head -n 15 "$1" | tail -n 5

Inside a shell script, $1 means “the first filename (or value, or input) on the command line. We can now run our script with any file in the directory. Here is octane.pdb again:

$ bash octane.pdb
ATOM      9  H           1      -4.502   0.681   0.785  1.00  0.00
ATOM     10  H           1      -5.254  -0.243  -0.537  1.00  0.00
ATOM     11  H           1      -4.357   1.252  -0.895  1.00  0.00
ATOM     12  H           1      -3.009  -0.741  -1.467  1.00  0.00
ATOM     13  H           1      -3.172  -1.337   0.206  1.00  0.00

and here’s a different file:

$ bash pentane.pdb
ATOM      9  H           1       1.324   0.350  -1.332  1.00  0.00
ATOM     10  H           1       1.271   1.378   0.122  1.00  0.00
ATOM     11  H           1      -0.074  -0.384   1.288  1.00  0.00
ATOM     12  H           1      -0.048  -1.362  -0.205  1.00  0.00
ATOM     13  H           1      -1.183   0.500  -1.412  1.00  0.00

Pretty sweet. But before we move on, there’s an important cautionary note we need to make right away regarding the use of spaces in filenames:

Use Double-Quotes Around Arguments

It’s very common practice to use double-quotes all the time for arguments. Earlier, we put the loop variable inside double-quotes, in case the filename happens to contain any spaces, For the SAME reason, we will often surround special variables like $1 with double-quotes.

So script is great if we always want lines 11 through 15 of each file, but if we want to change the lines that are output, we would still need to edit each time. Let’s fix that by using more special variables like $2 and $3 for the number of lines to be passed to head and tail respectively:

$ nano
head -n "$2" "$1" | tail -n "$3"

We can now run:

$ bash pentane.pdb 15 5
ATOM      9  H           1       1.324   0.350  -1.332  1.00  0.00
ATOM     10  H           1       1.271   1.378   0.122  1.00  0.00
ATOM     11  H           1      -0.074  -0.384   1.288  1.00  0.00
ATOM     12  H           1      -0.048  -1.362  -0.205  1.00  0.00
ATOM     13  H           1      -1.183   0.500  -1.412  1.00  0.00

By changing the arguments to our command we can change our script’s output:

$ bash pentane.pdb 20 5
ATOM     14  H           1      -1.259   1.420   0.112  1.00  0.00
ATOM     15  H           1      -2.608  -0.407   1.130  1.00  0.00
ATOM     16  H           1      -2.540  -1.303  -0.404  1.00  0.00
ATOM     17  H           1      -3.393   0.254  -0.321  1.00  0.00
TER      18              1

Always remember that these special variables are numbered based on where you place them in the command-line argument list. Which is why they are sometimes called the argument’s “positional parameters”.

Just a quick refresher, to make sure everyone understands:


Our script works, but it may take the next person who reads a moment to figure out what it does. We can improve our script by adding some comments at the top:

$ nano

# This selects lines from the middle of a file.
# To use: bash filename end_line num_lines
head -n "$2" "$1" | tail -n "$3"

A comment starts with a # character and runs to the end of the line. The computer ignores comments, but they’re invaluable for helping people (including your future self) understand and use scripts. The only caveat is that each time you modify the script, you should check that the comment is still accurate! An explanation that sends the reader in the wrong direction is worse than none at all.

Script Magic

What if we want to process many files in a single pipeline?

Let’s start by deciding we want to sort all our .pdb files by length. We would type:

$ wc -l *.pdb | sort -n

because wc -l lists the number of lines in the files and sort -n sorts things numerically. We could put this command in a script file, but then it would only ever sort a list of .pdb files in the current directory. If we want to be able to get a sorted list of other kinds of files, we need a way to get all kinds of names into the script.

BUT, we can’t use special variables like $1, $2, and so on because we don’t know how many files there are (and don’t want to type in a special variable for each file anyway)! Instead, we use a different special variable $@, (you could call it a “super” special variable) which means,

All the command-line arguments of the shell script.”

"$@" is equivalent to "$1" "$2" ...

We ALWAYS put "$@" inside double-quotes to handle the case of arguments containing spaces. Here’s an example using a script we name “”:

$ nano
# Sort filenames by their length.
# Usage: bash one_or_more_filenames
wc -l "$@" | sort -n

Now we can not only sort by lines all the *.pdb files in the molecules directory, we can add more files to sort, for example, in the creatures directory. All we have to do is enter the correct path to the files we want to sort!

$ bash *.pdb ../creatures/*.dat
9 methane.pdb
12 ethane.pdb
15 propane.pdb
20 cubane.pdb
21 pentane.pdb
30 octane.pdb
163 ../creatures/basilisk.dat
163 ../creatures/unicorn.dat

Using loops with special variables

Remember when we were learning how to use pipes with the file animals.txt? Imagine if you had several hundred files, with more fields, all formatted like this:


We can change to the directory data-shell/data/animal-counts/ to find an example of this type of file named more-animals.txt.

cd ../../data/animal-counts/

Earlier we wrote a pipeline to extract and count the unique species in the file. Now let’s write a shell script called that takes any number of filenames as command-line arguments, and uses cut, sort, and uniq to print a list of the unique species appearing in each of those files separately.


In nano type:

# Script to find unique species in csv files 
# where species is the second data field
# This script accepts any number of file names 
# as command line arguments

# First it loops over all files
for file in $@ 
	echo "Unique species in $file:"
	# In the loop it extracts species names
	# just like we did before
	cut -d , -f 2 $file | sort | uniq

Now run the script:

$ bash more-animals.txt
Unique species in more-animals.txt:

By now, you should be feeling proud of yourself! (It probably took Nelle years to learn this stuff!)

Special Variables Table

Here’s a Table of Special Variables for reference purposes

All Special Variables need inputs!

(When we make mistakes)

What happens if a script is supposed to process a bunch of files, but we don’t give it any filenames? For example, what if we type:

$ bash

In this case NOTHING happens! The script is a LOOP and so the loop is happy to do nothing if that’s what you want. The line: for file in "$@" looks for anything in the command line, and finds nothing so it’s done

On the other hand, if your script runs a direct command it will stop and wait for input (it’s not done). For example let’s change to the directory molecules and run the with no command arguments. Here’s an example from an earlier script we wrote:

$ cd ../../molecules/
$ bash

(You will need to use Ctl-C to exit this script.)

When we aren’t using a loop, and you don’t give an argument like *.dat (or anything else) the $@ inside of expands to nothing at all, so the pipeline inside the script is effectively:

$ wc -l | sort -n

wc -l assumes it is supposed to process standard input, but it doesn’t have any filenames. So wc sits there waiting for a filename to pipe to sort. From the terminal however, all we see is it sitting there: The script doesn’t appear to do anything. When this happens, you will use Control-c (or sometimes Command-c on a Mac) to exit the script and return to your prompt. This is another good reason to use echo to output something to the terminal as your script is running.

Future Nelle Creating a Script Pipeline:

We are almost caught up with Nelle’s scripting skills at this point. When we find Nelle, we discover that Nelle has moved on, to a new position, still working with her gooey marine life. But Nelle never forgot how the supervisor insisted that all her analytics must be reproducible.

The easiest way to capture all the steps in her analyses is in a script. Nelle is much better at scripting now, and wants to rewrite some scripts for analyzing her new data from Antarctica.

First we return to Nelle’s data directory:

$ cd ../north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03/

She checks her notes and sees her pipeline to run goostats was:

$ for datafile in NENE*[AB].txt; do echo $datafile; bash goostats $datafile stats-$datafile; done

Nelle smiles as she realizes that her past self didn’t make this loop into a script, with informational comments about how it was used. So Nelle runs nano creating a file called and writes the following: (We can copy the above for loop and paste it into nano to edit)

# Calculate stats for data files.
for datafile in "$@"
    echo $datafile
    bash goostats $datafile stats-$datafile

Now Nelle can reproduce the first stage of her analysis by typing:

$ bash NENE*[AB].txt

There are several very notable things about this script.

1. Because the special variable $@ makes her script flexible it will take everything in the command line as input, so Nelle can also use piped commands!

$ bash NENE*[AB].txt | wc -l

Notice first if we run the command without the pipe, we get the 15 filenames. That’s the standard output of the first part of our formula, THIS is then piped into “wc -l” and so the filenames that are normally echoed to the terminal, are inputs for the “wc -l” command. What do you think the results should be?

15 files = fifteen lines! The output is just the number of files processed based on the filename being echoed when every file is used.

2. Nelle’s script is flexible enough to let the person running it decide what files to process.

3. The script did not process the two files with spaces in their names. This is because goostats can only accept ONE file as input (and one as output), but the spaces in NENE02043 A.txt look like two separate input files NENE02043 and A.txt. So is flexible enough to be used in a directory with badly named files, and still work!

4. We did not have to delete the output files from our previous run of The script only recognizes files that begin with NENE so it did not process those files either! (But it did overwrite them!)

BUT there’s more

Nelle could have written the new script so it’s even simpler to run as shown below.

# Calculate stats for Site A and Site B data files.
for datafile in NENE*[AB].txt
    echo $datafile
    bash goostats $datafile stats-$datafile

Now she just runs bash

This latter script is good because: It always selects the right files (For example, Nelle doesn’t have to remember to exclude the ‘Z’ files).

But Nelle did not do this because the disadvantage is that it always selects just those files — Nelle can’t run it on all files! This will be important in her new position where she uses the NENE*[GH].txt files to maintain her collaboration with her former supervisor who is creating new files now. (Unless someone edits the script)

The advantage to Nelle using @$ in, is she knows her future self will be able to handle the larger files from the new colleagues in Antarctica, even though they use a different filename convention. Her script is flexible!

Nelle then emails to her former supervisor, who is planning to write another manuscript on gelatinous marine life.

The History of Nelle’s Figure-3

The shell keeps track of everything that you type. One thing Nelle learned long ago was that her history could be very useful for remembering and even writing good scripts. She remembers creating Figure-3, and then while trying to make tweak the formatting, she forgot how she started the data analyses! To re-create the graph all she had to do was output her history to a file, then edit that file to create the graph again. The other advantage of using history is she doesn’t need to type the commands in again (and potentially getting them wrong). For example:

$ history | tail -n 5 >

The file might now contain something like:

297 bash goostats NENE01729B.txt stats-NENE01729B.txt
298 bash goodiff stats-NENE01729B.txt /data/validated/01729.txt > 01729-differences.txt
299 cut -d ',' -f 2-3 01729-differences.txt > 01729-time-series.txt
300 ygraph --format scatter --color bw --borders none 01729-time-series.txt figure-3.png
301 history | tail -n 5 >

This isn’t a real script, but you can see how some quick work in an editor can remove the line numbers on the commands, and remove the final line of the history command. After Nelle created that figure with separate commands, she now has a completely accurate record of how she created that figure.

There is a lot of code we haven’t covered in Nelle’s Figure-3, and we can ignore that for now. We will use this method later in the genomics lessons.

We are showing this now because it is common practice to develop shell scripts by running commands at the shell prompt to make sure they’re doing the right thing, then saving the commands in a file for re-use. This style of work allows people to recycle what they discover about their data and their workflow. Remember that with one call to history and a bit of editing to clean up the output you can recover and save your work as a shell script.

Optional Class Exercise: Debugging Scripts

Make sure you are still in Nelle’s north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 directory, and delete the two files with spaces in the names because we won’t use them anymore.

What happens if you create and save the following script called, and run it in Nelle’s north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 directory:

# Calculate stats for data files.
for datafile in "$@"
    echo $datfile
    # notice we misspelled datafile
    bash goostats $datafile stats-$datafile

When you run it:

$ bash NENE*[AB].txt

the output is blank. To figure out why, re-run the script using the -x option:

bash -x NENE*[AB].txt

What is the output showing you? Which line is responsible for the error?


The -x flag causes bash to run in debug mode. This prints out each command as it is run, which will help you to locate errors. In this example, we can see that echo isn’t printing anything. We have made a typo in the loop variable name! The variable datfile doesn’t exist, hence returning an empty string.
